I think that it is a good idea to start a list of things to bring with you when you come to India as an expat family. If you are packing your household furniture etc and sending them along you will have a greater opportunity to bring things that we never did. We moved into a household already up and running with my father in law, and so didn't need to bring 'the kitchen sink' so to speak.
Here is the beginning of a list that we'll add to. Feel free to add your own list in the comment section.
Baking Supplies:
Are you an avid baker? If so you should bring your specialty pans. It is possible to find bunt pans, loaf pans, cake pans etc. There are items that you will not find in Bangalore that you should consider bringing:
1. Bakers chocolate - Unsweetened and semisweet. All I have found here is low quality brick chocolate so Stock up
2. Baking Soda - The 'soda' here does not pack the same punch as it does at home. I usually have to increase the amount in a recipe by half or sometimes double to get any action. Bring some Arm and Hammer with you
3. Baking Powder - Same Idea as soda. Bring it along
4. Real Vanilla Extract - Bring it. All you will find is the imitation vanilla here, and it is pretty bad quality in my opinion.
5. Yeast - if you make breads regularly, bring your favorite. I have found commercial quality instant yeast in one specialty location that actually works. www.generalfoodadditives.com is their website.
6. Chocolate chips - the store mentioned has pretty good mini chocolate chips, but if you are particular about your chocolate chips bring some along.
7. Marshmallows - I have found marshmallows intermittently at 'the Supermarket' on brigade road, but if your kids love rice crispie squares, you should bring some with you as they are quite expensive and not quite the same as what we are used to.
8. Good quality spatulas - the ones I have found here tend to fall apart
9. Good quality spoon measures and cup measures. - the only spoon measures I've found here do not have the 1/4 and 1/8 measure and they are flimsy and the handles break off. I have been through a few sets
Here is the beginning of a list that we'll add to. Feel free to add your own list in the comment section.
Baking Supplies:
Are you an avid baker? If so you should bring your specialty pans. It is possible to find bunt pans, loaf pans, cake pans etc. There are items that you will not find in Bangalore that you should consider bringing:
1. Bakers chocolate - Unsweetened and semisweet. All I have found here is low quality brick chocolate so Stock up
2. Baking Soda - The 'soda' here does not pack the same punch as it does at home. I usually have to increase the amount in a recipe by half or sometimes double to get any action. Bring some Arm and Hammer with you
3. Baking Powder - Same Idea as soda. Bring it along
4. Real Vanilla Extract - Bring it. All you will find is the imitation vanilla here, and it is pretty bad quality in my opinion.
5. Yeast - if you make breads regularly, bring your favorite. I have found commercial quality instant yeast in one specialty location that actually works. www.generalfoodadditives.com is their website.
6. Chocolate chips - the store mentioned has pretty good mini chocolate chips, but if you are particular about your chocolate chips bring some along.
7. Marshmallows - I have found marshmallows intermittently at 'the Supermarket' on brigade road, but if your kids love rice crispie squares, you should bring some with you as they are quite expensive and not quite the same as what we are used to.
8. Good quality spatulas - the ones I have found here tend to fall apart
9. Good quality spoon measures and cup measures. - the only spoon measures I've found here do not have the 1/4 and 1/8 measure and they are flimsy and the handles break off. I have been through a few sets